Thursday, May 6, 2010

Journal #1: Watchmen

In the story "watchmen" Theirs a section in the story that reminds me when I was in grade 8 that effected me in my life. Chapter 6, page 1-7, "Rorschach is sent in for some counselling. He is being showed pictures of shapes on what he sees." I thought it was a good to explain this part of the story since it shows how he was a child and how he was treated different. The quote reminds me when I was in grade 8. I was drawing images that made me feel creative inside. I drew children hanging from the ceiling in cages, children on the floor with their faces taken off, and children with bags over their heads that were all lined up infront of a guy who sat their with a blade. The image in the picture seemed to be cutting the childrens faces and sewing on to his.
I was looking at everything diffrent from my own view in life. Thats when my teacher found my image and I got sent to councelling. Just like in the story from "Watchmen" Rorscarch got sent to councelling for somthing he saw diffrently. He got asked questions in a room, seperated from the outside world. Just like me, I too felt seperated. I got asked questions in a room about what the image as in, what it was, what was I trying to say in the image, how does this image make me feel. The first thing that popped into my head was "creative" I said the image made me feel nothing, it was an image that I got encouraged by a horror movie "which was a lie." The councellor said it was just a cry of attention, a way of showing that I shouldn't watch too much horror movies. From my way of seeing it, I think it was more of being creative. The book "watchmen is very interesting and their are a few things that connect with me in the story. I believe I relate the most with the character Rorscarch.

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