Friday, April 30, 2010

WatchMen "Connector"

Two connection i have with this book would be...

1. Death. In the the book "watchmen" a person dies and everyone is sad. They all come to the funeral even if they weren't close friends. This part in the story reminds me of my uncles dad and him never got along because they both made a big deal of every little thing when would go to my aunts place. My aunt is my dads sister so it was hard to visit her when her husband and my dad would argue. But even though they didn't get along my dad still attended the funeral.

2. The book "watchmen" reminds me of criminals. In our community we have criminals that steal, kill, and rape. Their are good people that do good things, and bad people that do bad things.From my own prospective I see in the book that their are more criminals than heroes. I see in the outside world theirs more crimes that are happening. This relates to me because its one of the reasons I want to be a cop someday

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