Friday, April 30, 2010

WatchMen "Connector"

Two connection i have with this book would be...

1. Death. In the the book "watchmen" a person dies and everyone is sad. They all come to the funeral even if they weren't close friends. This part in the story reminds me of my uncles dad and him never got along because they both made a big deal of every little thing when would go to my aunts place. My aunt is my dads sister so it was hard to visit her when her husband and my dad would argue. But even though they didn't get along my dad still attended the funeral.

2. The book "watchmen" reminds me of criminals. In our community we have criminals that steal, kill, and rape. Their are good people that do good things, and bad people that do bad things.From my own prospective I see in the book that their are more criminals than heroes. I see in the outside world theirs more crimes that are happening. This relates to me because its one of the reasons I want to be a cop someday

"Dreams take us on journeys"

When I was tired In the evening I decided to take a nap. I woken up to find myself in a place filled with strange trees that were oddly shaped in strange forms. I was afraid, so I started walking along a path that led up a hill. I made my way along the path, but every time I took a step, the tree's would change their shape. It was very strange and I didn't like it. It seemed as if they were following me. By the time I got to the top of the hill, The tree's had surrounded me and I was trapped. I had no way out! A giant shadow from the sky flew in circles around me. I looked up to what seemed to be a giant Seagull!! It swooped down and ripped the trees roots to free me. I was saved! I quickly jumped out and started running. Suddenly the seagull turned around and chased me. I thought It was trying to free me at first, but really it was really trying to eat me! I ran so fast, desperately looking for somewhere to hide, until I tripped over a bow and arrow. I Picked it up and dogged the giant Seagulls beak as it flew past my head. It turned around and glided towards me to make another strike. I took aim and pulled the arrow back with all my might. As soon as the giant seagull got close enough, I let go of the arrow. It shot powerfully straight with it whistling through the air directly drilling through the eye of the giant seagull and coming out the other end. The giant seagull made a loud screech and crashed face first to the ground as I heard a loud snap that made me realise it broke its neck. The giant seagull was dead, but for some reason its wings where still flapping. It was as if the giant seagulls wings had a mind of their own. The wings were lifting the bloody body of the giant seagull to the sky. I quickly grabbed the body down and tore the wings off the seagull and stuck the wings on my back. The wings carried me high into the sky as I watched the giant dead seagull below get further and further away. As I flew higher and higher I woke up to find myself laying on the floor by my couch in the living room. I went to check the time and I had only slept for 5 minutes.

Friday, April 23, 2010

WatchMen Illustrator

I chose to draw this image of a person, revealing his true self under the mask.
At this point of the novel, the comedian hides his side of his past from vietnam
like mistakes he made and murders. He covers his face with a mask and acts like everythings a joke so he can hide what he's afraide of. Before his death, he reveals his true self to the enemy of how scared he truely is.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Movie "Spawn" Was a very good movie for its time till now. The movie is about a guy named "Albert Francis" also known as "Al" who kills human targets by following orders from a powerful man who ends up pouring Al with gasoline and lighting him up on fire. Al is brought to hell were he makes a deal with the devil of leading his army. Arriving back from hell to our world he is severely burnt from his face down to his toes. He realises that he lost everything from a betrayal. The only thing that he has is the armor and he's putting the use to plot revenge. Watching the movie surprised me that the graphics in this film was incredible for a year 1997 made movie. The story Line in this movie was a little fast and you couldn't quite understand it. The fighting scenes was awesome, I mean when he was learning how to use his weapons and attacking his enemies it was really well done. The problem for this film was when spawn was fighting Clown "The giant beast" in hell. The picture in this fighting scene was very confusing with flames whirling and twirling around in the background while the camera was moving fast zooming up close to their faces and zooming out from their fight. I found it really annoying.. I was disappointed for this part of final fight. The movie had a good ending at least.